Hack together a dirt-cheap LoRa transmitter/receiver dev board
LoRa is relatively new in IoT. (Actually, not that new, but it's taking time to percolate into the ecosphere.) For those that don't know, LoRa stands »
LoRa is relatively new in IoT. (Actually, not that new, but it's taking time to percolate into the ecosphere.) For those that don't know, LoRa stands »
A few months before Christmas, social media channels start filling with instructions about LEDs for home decoration. Popular software is WLED, a program that describes itself »
As I've mentioned so many times in my blog posts, I've never studied electronics or engineering. Consequently, I come at my projects entirely as an amateur »
Most of us use a phone app to see the temperature outside - which is fine if you don't mind receiving a reading from a sensor »
Update November 2022 - it seems that ThingsonEdge didn't make it and the cricket is no longer available. Their web and social media presence have disappeared »
Like most makers, my home is automated - not with off-the-shelf IoT devices, but with home-built switches and relays, Raspberry Pis and ESPs. My first remote »
My last post was about the Cricket ESP8266 board, a tiny device that lets you run an ESP8266 for months on a single AA battery. In »
A chance encounter on a Facebook group brought me - literally - to the Edge. I read a post in which someone mentioned the ThingsonEdge "Cricket" »
A couple of months ago I posted a project to build a router-restarter with an simple ESP8266 and a relay. The post proved to be very »
The weakest link of our digital lives at home is the pipe into our house and the device it's attached to. Our cable-modem allows our equipment »
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