Realtime graphs using Plotly and websockets

As you already know, In our blog we use the websocket protocol intensively, It's a fast and easy way to send data from WiFi connected micro-controllers (such as the ESP8266) to the Browser without anything in between.

Here are some projects with code samples where websockets were used:

Spectrum Analyzer

Living-room lights

Today I'll share with you an example of how you can use Plotly to visualize real-time data in your browser

Here is how it looks like:

Here is the code : ploty websocket example

The HTML code creates a websocket (You'll need to change this to the ESP8266 IP and port)

ws = new WebSocket("ws://esp_ip:port/")

After the connection is established, it creates a loop of requesting data from the server

request_data_interval = window.setInterval(requestData, 50);

Then, it parses the json data and creates the graph in the place I asked him to


    ws.onmessage = function (evt) 
        var received_msg =;

        data = JSON.parse(;
        var my_plot = {
            x: data.x, 
            y: data.y, 
            type: 'scatter',
        Plotly.newPlot('sine-graph', [my_plot]);

In order to test this I've used a python library called pywebsocket

I've created a websocket handler named send_graph

All it does is create a sine-wave graph with lots of samples


x = np.arange(0,np.pi*10,0.1).tolist()  
y = np.sin(x).tolist()  

And every time the user requests the graph data we send a sliding window of the graph


    graph_to_send = json.dumps({

and that's it :)

In order to try the pywebsocket library for yourself you should download it and install using your python. Then, copy the file in the repository to the pywebsocket/example/ folder and then run the next lines:

cd pywebsocket/mod_pywebsocket  
python -p 9998 -w ../example/  

If you open the plot_graphs_from_websocket.html using your browser you'll see the results - and that's it :)